学费 & 费用
投资从教育开始. Hardin-Simmons mission has always been to be a community dedicated to providing excellence in education enlightened by Christian faith and values. 你的大学学位和成功的事业都触手可及.
支付大学学费是学生、他们的家庭和大学之间的共同努力. The student (and their parents if dependent) are primarily responsible for higher education costs and should pay, 在他们有能力的范围内, 过往收入(储蓄), 当前收入(付款计划), 未来收入(借款). 资源 for paying the bill at HSU will include an HSU investment and possibly assistance from federal/state/outside sources. Hardin-Simmons strives to decrease the cost of attendance while also maintaining high academic standards. The 金融援助 Office considers each student’s personal financial situation and is available to assist students throughout the financial aid process.
Cost of attendance (COA) is a college’s total estimated expenses for one year including tuition, 住宿和膳食, 书, 供应, 旅行, 贷款费用, 个人开支. 学校的估计COA用于确定每个学生是否有资格获得经济援助, 比如赠款和贷款. Please contact the Office of 金融援助 for any questions regarding estimated cost of attendance at financialaid@yxrzy.com
A school’s cost of attendance is an estimated amount for students carrying the same academic workload 由机构决定. 如果你认为你有特殊情况,可能会增加你的出席费用, 你可提交 出勤费用调整申诉.
在澳门皇冠赌场平台,我们尽量使上大学的经济部分尽可能简单. Below are the tuition and 费用 broken down by category so that you easily understand the total cost.